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2024-2025 Midland College Catalog and Student Handbook, Published June 4, 2024 
2024-2025 Midland College Catalog and Student Handbook, Published June 4, 2024

Student Life

Student Activities Health and Wellness
Student Organizations Child Care
Honors Program Bookstore
Intramural Sports Residence Life
Student/CHAP ID Cards Motor Vehicles on Campus
Emergency Text Notification Parking Information
Foster Care Liaison Student Emergency Fund and Chap Pantry

Student Activities

At Midland College, students explore a variety of impactful co-curricular experiences that serve to enrich concepts and principles from the classroom. Programming opportunities feature an assortment of content ranging from concerts, lectures, leadership programs, and wellness activities. Through engagement in these campus events and activities, students develop skill in social interaction while finding an appropriate balance between academics and entertainment.

Annual events such as New Student Welcome (NSW), Chaps Connect, Homecoming, and Finals Countdown as well as special activities are generally available at no cost to current Midland College students. Students may stay updated about upcoming events and activities by viewing the Events Calendar on the Campus Life page found on the Midland College website.

For more information, please visit Campus Life.

Student Organizations

Developing leadership skills is an important aspect of the Midland College experience. As members of registered clubs or organizations, Midland College students interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives creating unique, life-changing experiences. All while developing skills that will serve them far into their professional future.

Midland College’s Office of Student Life oversees several clubs and organizations on campus representing a variety of academic, social, religious, and novelty interests. 

A group of students are eligible if:

  1. Its membership consists of seven or more students.
  2. It does not deny membership to anyone on the basis of sex, disability, age, color, race, nationality, or religion.
  3. It has an advisor who is a member of the faculty or the staff.
  4. It is not under a disciplinary penalty prohibiting registration.
  5. It conducts its affairs in accordance with College District policies, procedures, rules, and regulations; as well as with local, state, and federal laws.
  6. Its membership is limited only to students, staff, and faculty of the College District.

Regardless of the above criteria, the College District shall not deny an application for registration based on a political, religious, philosophical, ideological, or academic viewpoint expressed by the organization or any expressive activities of the organization.

Please visit Clubs and Activities for more information.

Honors Program

The Honors Program provides an enhanced, creative, and supportive learning environment and special recognition for talented students. The curriculum includes interdisciplinary humanities courses, special honors sections, and independent honors contracts in regular classes. These opportunities provide a flexible and individualized program designed to develop the special abilities and interests of the participants. Graduation as a “Midland College Scholar” is possible with 12 semester hours of honors credit including one humanities course, HUMA 1301  or HUMA 1302 . Students in the program who have fewer credits receive “Honors” designation on their transcripts.

Please visit the Honors Program for more information

Intramural Sports

Intramural sports offer the opportunity for students to participate in their favorite sports during leisure time or during competitive tournaments. Intramural activities can include, flag football, Esports, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, billiards and other activities requested by students. Currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff may participate in intramural activities. 

Student/CHAP ID Cards

Students can obtain a CHAP identification (ID) card with one of the following:  valid driver’s license, state issued photo identification, or passport and a copy of the current semester paid receipt.  The CHAP ID card entitles students to free admission to athletic events, Student Life entertainment, student government, intramural activities, fine arts programs, dances, movies, and videotape series. The CHAP ID also provides identification in the Murray Fasken Learning Resource Center to enable the student to check out materials and use computer labs, entrance to the Fitness Center and at the bookstore for scholarship identification. ID cards may entitle the student to discounts at participating businesses. CHAP ID cards can be obtained in the Scharbauer Student Center in office 122. Lost CHAP ID cards may be replaced for a $25 replacement fee.

The MC website contains more information about the Chap Card.

Residence Life

Midland College offers three co-ed residence halls and family housing units that provide an atmosphere for academic success and social activities for residents. Students living in college housing are expected to act responsibly, promote respect for the rights of others, follow all rules and regulations, support appropriate study opportunities, and enjoy a positive college experience. A full-time manager lives in each of the residence halls and oversees the family units, providing supervision and direction for students. Managers are responsible for the daily operation of housing, and they aid students in dealing with academic and personal issues.

For more information, please visit Living on Campus.

Foster Care Liaison

The Foster Care Liaison for students who are or were in foster care provides the following information:

1. Resources to access medical and behavioral health coverage and services and public benefit
    programs, including programs;
2. Public benefit program case management assistance and counseling;
3. Parenting and child-care resources;
4. Employment assistance;
5. Financial counseling and tax preparation assistance;
6. Transportation assistance;
7. Student academic success strategies;
8. Any other resources developed by the institution to assist the students.

For additional information see our foster care students page.

Emergency Text Notification

Midland College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to provide an emergency alert system capable of delivering messages to student Midland College and personal e-mail addresses and cell phones. These messages will only be sent during emergency situations and/or when the school is closed or delayed due to weather-related conditions. The Marketing and Communications, (432) 685-4555, may be contacted for assistance logging into the system and/or managing accounts.

Health and Wellness

Midland College provides a campus environment supportive of the development and maintenance of a healthy mind, body and spirit. All currently enrolled students have free access to the college Fitness Center which houses a full range of fitness equipment. The college does not provide health care services on-site but has an arrangement with a local health care facility for students who live on campus. The Student Life Office provides information regarding health care services and insurance plans available to students through outside organizations. The Student Life offices hosts educational programs including the alcohol and drug abuse programs. For more information on alcohol and drug abuse programs see here.

More information about Midland College’s Health and Wellness program is available on the MC website.

Child Care

Midland College operates child care centers on its main campus (Helen L. Greathouse Children’s Center) and (Midland College Children’s Center at Manor Park) at Manor Park, Inc. at 2208 North Loop 250, Midland, Texas. The Helen L. Greathouse Center provides high quality child care for children aged four months through five years and child care provider training. The Manor Park Center provides high quality child care for children aged 2 ½ through 5 years and child care provider training. Midland College employees, Midland College full-time students and Manor Park employees are given priority access to the children’s centers. Individuals interested in enrolling children in childcare should contact the Director of the Helen L. Greathouse Center for scheduling and fee information at (432) 685-4574, or for the Manor Park Center contact (432) 697-4581.


The college bookstore is operated for the convenience of students and faculty. Textbooks and classroom supplies are available on-site or online at Midland College Bookstore.

New textbooks, in new condition, (i.e. no writing, highlighting, or any damage which would prevent resale as a new book) as well as books purchased used, may be returned for a full refund, with a receipt, through the 5th day of class of a regular semester, the first three class days of a summer session, or the first two class days of a flex-entry course. Textbooks purchased after the above dates may be returned for a full refund within three days of purchase.

Motor Vehicles on Campus

Regulations related to the operation of vehicles on campus are established pursuant to VATS, Education Code section 51.202, to facilitate the safe and orderly conduct of college business including parking. The college makes every effort to provide protection to vehicles parked on campus but cannot assume the responsibility for any loss. Operating a motor vehicle on the campus is a privilege and is conditional, in part, on complying with the following:

General Regulations

  • The person who registers a vehicle with the College obtains a non-transferable parking permit and is responsible for all parking violations.
  • Pedestrians are given the right of way at all times.
  • The maximum speed limit on campus streets is 20 miles per hour, unless otherwise posted. The parking lot speed limit is 10 miles per hour. The campus is defined as all lands owned by the college.

These regulations apply to all college faculty, staff, students and visitors.

Vehicle Registration and Parking on Campus

  • In order to park a vehicle on campus, students, staff, and faculty must obtain vehicle registration permits at the MC Police Department located in the Scharbauer Student Center. Operation of a vehicle on campus without a permit is a violation of parking regulations.
  • Students are required to register motor vehicles at the time of registration or when they begin driving on campus. There is no additional charge for the permit.
  • Faculty and staff must register their vehicles on or before the day they begin driving a vehicle on campus.
  • Any person giving false information regarding vehicle registration is subject to disciplinary action.
  • Parking permits must be affixed to the inside of the windshield on the lower right side.
  • State law requires that vehicles have Texas registration if the owners of the vehicles reside in Texas.

For additional information, please visit Campus Police.

Parking Information

  • The College issues staff and student permits.
  • Parking spaces for staff are designated by signs at the end of every row and by yellow striping on the pavement. Only employees and visitors are allowed to park in those areas. Special parking areas, such as handicapped and fire zones, are indicated by signs.
  • The Administration parking lot (between Scharbauer Student Center and the Pevehouse Administration Building) is reserved for administration personnel and visitors, except during registration.
  • Students working on campus will be assigned student permits and must park in student parking.
  • Persons with physical handicaps who have been issued the state-authorized handicapped parking permits or license plates must obtain a college permit but may park in any handicapped parking area so long as the handicapped permit is displayed as required by state law.
  • Parking permits will be issued to allow parking of motorcycles in designated two-wheel areas. Permits must be permanently attached to the fork on the front of the motorcycle.
  • Replacement permits or additional permits are $1 each and are available from the Midland College police Department located in the Scharbauer Student Center.
  • Parking violations must be paid at the Cashier’s Office; unpaid fines will result in transcript and registration holds.

Parking Fines and Penalties

  Unauthorized parking in handicapped space $50.00
  Blocking traffic way $15.00
  No permit $10.00
  Student parked in employee zone $10.00
  Parking where prohibited $15.00
  Other $10.00

After a student receives five tickets in any semester, the next violation will include the installation of a “boot” on his/her vehicle to immobilize the vehicle. There will be a charge of $50, in addition to the parking fine, for removal of the “boot”. Every subsequent violation by that student will result in the “boot” being applied to his/her vehicle and an additional $50 charge.

For more information, please visit the Driving and Parking on Campus.

Student Emergency Fund and Chap Pantry

The Chaps Helping Chaps - Student Emergency Fund program is funded by the Midland College community; faculty, staff, alumni, retirees, and community members. The program helps MC students enrolled in credit-bearing courses stay in school by assisting them with emergency needs. These needs include, but are not limited to, utility bills, gas, transportation needs, vehicle repairs, etc. Students may apply for funds here.

The Chap Pantry allows students to receive items in times of need. Students may apply for items from pantry and there is designated pick up dates, times, and locations to receive items. The inventory is limited and focuses on basic essentials like hygiene products, paper goods, and a small selection of non-perishable food items.

More information can be obtained on the Chaps Helping Chaps and Chap Pantry on the website.