Oct 05, 2024  
2021-2022 Midland College Catalog and Student Handbook 
2021-2022 Midland College Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Requirements & Information

Student Classification and Load Assessment and Grading
    Classification     Grades
    Load     Grade Point Average
Course Credit     Incomplete Grade
Acceptance and Awarding of College Credit     Auditing
    Credit for Transfer Coursework     Student Drops and Withdrawals
    Credit for Examination, Military Training and Licensure  Graduation
Scholastics     Awarding of Degrees
    Scholastic Standard     Commencement
    Attendance  Transferring from Midland College
    Academic Fresh Start     Transfer Agreement Programs
    Semester Honors     Transferability of Coursework
    Graduate Honors    

All Midland College policies may be found here. Please note, the Midland College Policy Manual is hosted on an external server.

Academic requirements apply to all students including students at all locations and students enrolled in online, hybrid, face-to-face, and interactive video classes. 

Student Classification and Load


Student classification is defined as follows:


1-29  credit hours completed


30-59  credit hours completed


60-89  credit hours completed


90  credit hours or more completed


The normal course load for full terms (all sub-terms combined) shall be 15 hours. Pathways advisers may approve up to 19 hours. A student requesting to take more than 19 hours must have the approval of the vice president of instructional services and the vice president of student services. The maximum course load shall be no more than 21 semester hours. 

Individual sub-term limits are as follows:

  • Eight-week sub-terms: nine hours
  • Six-week sub-terms: seven hours
  • Five-week sub-terms: six hours
  • Mini sub-terms: one course (three or four hours)

Request for overloads above those stated must be submitted to the vice president of student services. 


Students enrolled during the fall or spring terms are classified according to the following:

1 - 5 credit hours - part-time

6 - 8 credit hours - half-time

9 - 11 credit hours - three-quarter time

12 or more credit hours - full-time

Course Credit

The unit of measurement for college work is the credit hour. The second digit of the course number indicates the credit hours for the course. Course numbers beginning with “0” are not college-credit courses. Lower-division college credits - 1000 and 2000 level - are assigned to courses offered in certificate and associate programs; upper division college credits - 3000 and 4000 level - are assigned to courses offered in baccalaureate programs.

The credit hour provides the basis for measuring the amount of engaged learning time expected of a typical student enrolled in the traditional classroom settings and in laboratories, internships, studios, clinicals, practica, cooperative education experiences and distance education. The value of a credit hour is determined by contact time, the educational experience, and out-of-class preparation of the student.

A  credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that approximates not less than one contact hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out of class student work each week for fifteen weeks of instruction plus one week for final examination for one semester or an equivalent amount of work for other academic activities including laboratory work, internships, co-operative work experiences, practica, and clinicals.

Online, hybrid (online and traditional direct instruction combined), and interactive video-conference courses are equivalent in learning outcomes and student achievement to those taught in traditional face-to-face format and carry the same credit hours as their traditionally taught counterparts. 


Acceptance and Awarding of College Credit

Credit for Transfer Coursework

Transfer Evaluation

Midland College may grant credit toward a degree or certificate for transfer coursework as described below.

  1. Faculty qualified in the discipline evaluate transfer coursework from submitted transcripts.
  2. Transcripts for transient and non-degree seeking students are not evaluated.
  3. Credit is granted only for work (a) completed at a regionally accredited institution, (b) evaluated by a recognized foreign transcript evaluator, or (c) completed at an approved institution.
  4. Courses drawn from the Texas Academic Course Guide Manual or the Texas Workforce Education Course Manual are accepted if equivalent to Midland College courses.
  5. Courses not included in #4 are evaluated based on content and credit hours by qualified faculty. 
  6. A course that has a greater number of credit hours and the same course content as a Midland College course is accepted as equivalent to the Midland College course.
  7. A course from a Texas institution which is identified as meeting Common Core Curriculum requirements will be accepted as a core transfer course even if the same course is not offered at Midland College.
  8. Two or more courses of the same content area may be combined for transfer equivalency.
  9. All transfer coursework is converted to semester credit hours.
  10. Courses with a grade of A, B, C, D, or test credit are transcripted; however, grades of D may not count towards degree or program requirements.
  11. Transfer courses are recorded on transcripts and available for degree planning.
  12. Students may appeal decisions regarding acceptance of transfer coursework to the Vice President of Instructional Services.
Transfer Appeal Process

If a dispute occurs involving the transfer of lower division courses, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board has established the following procedures to resolve the dispute:

  1. If an institution of higher education does not accept course credit earned by a student at another institution of higher education, the receiving institution shall give written notice to the student and to the sending institution that transfer of the course credit is denied. A receiving institution shall also provide written notice of the reasons for denying credit for a particular course or set of courses at the request of the sending institution.
  2. A student who receives notice as specified may dispute the denial of credit by contacting a designated official at either the sending or receiving institution.
  3. The two institutions and the student shall attempt to resolve the transfer of the course credit in accordance with Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board rules and guidelines.
  4. If the transfer dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of the student or the sending institution within 45 days after the date the student received written notice of denial, the institution that denies the course credit for transfer shall notify the Commissioner of Higher Education of its denial and the reasons for the denial.
  5. The Commissioner of Higher Education or the Commissioner’s designee shall make the final determination about a dispute concerning the transfer of course credit and give written notice of the determination to the involved student and institutions. 


Credit for Examination, Military Training and Licensure/Certification

General Provisions

The College may grant credit toward a degree or certificate if a student has achieved knowledge and skills from non-traditional sources. This knowledge must be demonstrated by: 1) written examination conducted by nationally recognized services or by a Midland College instructional department; 2) professional certification; 3) military training/education; or 4) completion of the requirements of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program.

  1. The amount of credit awarded will be stated clearly on the student’s transcript and will be identified as credit.
  2. Credit will be awarded only for courses offered within the current curriculum of the college.
  3. Decisions regarding the awarding of credit will be made by qualified faculty members and according to procedures approved by the Curriculum Committee.
  4. Credit will be awarded only to enrolled students.
  5. With the exception of credit awarded under the provisions of the International Baccalaureate Program, credit by examination will not be awarded until a student has earned an equal or greater number of semester credit hours at Midland College.
  6. Credit will not be granted for a course which the student has audited or has received a grade at Midland College.
  7. No more than 75 percent of the credit applied to a degree or certificate may be earned under these provisions.
Credit for Examination

Midland College awards credit for Advanced Placement exams, College Level Examination Program exams, local departmental exams and International Baccalaureate Diploma Credit.

Advanced Placement Examination Credit

Advanced Placement scores of 3 or better are accepted for designated subject areas. Students with scores for areas not listed below should contact the appropriate academic dean for review. 

All scores should be submitted to the Testing Center.


Course Credit

Test Used

Passing Score

Hours of Credit


BIOL 1406 BIOL 1407


3 (4-5)

4.0 (8.0)


CHEM 1411 CHEM 1412


3 (4-5)

4.0 (8.0)


ECON 2301 ECON 2301 Economics 3 (4-5) 3.0 (6.0)


ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302

English Language & Composition

3 (4-5)

3.0 (6.0)

ENGL 2322 ENGL 2323

English Literature & Composition

3 (4-5)

3.0 (6.0)

Environmental Science

GEOL 1405 OR ENVR 1401

Environmental Science



American Government

GOVT 2305





GEOG 1303





HIST 1301 or

United States History 1 or II

3 (4-5)

3.0 (6.0)

HIST 1302


MATH 2413

Calculus AB



MATH 2414

Calculus BC



Modern Languages

SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412




SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312


4 (5)

11.0 (14.0)


PHYS 1401

Physics I



PHYS 1402

Physics II




PSYC 2301




CLEP Credit

Midland College administers College Level Examination Program (CLEP) examinations and awards credit as shown below.  For more information, visit the Midland College Testing Center website.


Course Credit

Test Used

Passing Score

Hours of Credit


ACCT 2301 ACCT 2302

Principles of Accounting




BUSI 2301

Introductory Business Law




ECON 2301

Principles of Macroeconomics



ECON 2302

Principles of Microeconomics




ENGL 1301

College Composition Modular

50 w/essay


ENGL 1302

Analyzing and Interpreting Literature



ENGL 2322 ENGL 2323

English Literature



ENGL 2327 ENGL 2328

American Literature




GOVT 2305

American Government*




HIST 1301

History of the United States I



HIST 1302

History of the United States II



HIST 2311

Western Civilization I



HIST 2312

Western Civilization II




BMGT 1327

Principles of Management




MATH 1314

College Algebra



MATH 2413




Modern Languages

FREN 1411 FREN 1412

College Level French



FREN 2311 FREN 2312

College Level French



GERM 1411 GERM 1412

College Level German



GERM 2311 GERM 2312

College Level German



SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412

College Level Spanish



SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312

College Level Spanish




PSYC 2301

Introductory Psychology



PSYC 2314

Human Growth & Development




SOCI 1301

Introductory Sociology



*In the state of Texas, students may receive credit by exam for only one Government course, GOVT 2305.

Departmental Examinations

Students may attain credit for successful completion of Departmental Examinations. These examinations are available only if a CLEP examination has not been approved for the course in question.  Departmental Examinations require approval of a Division Dean and are administered by the Testing Center. 

International Baccalaureate Diploma Credit

Midland College will grant a maximum of 24 credit hours to any new student having an International Baccalaureate Diploma based on the table below. Credit may be granted for exam scores of 4 or better on most Higher Level (HL) Exams and for a 5 or better on most Standard Level (SL) Exams. The amount of credit awarded will depend upon the exam scores and the level of the courses. Midland College may grant fewer than 24 credit hours to a student if the student has scored less than 4 on any IBD examination administered as part of the diploma program. Credit granted by this method applies to the Midland College transcript and does not guarantee the future transfer institutions will accept.

IB Subject

SL Score

HL Score


Credit Hours

English A1



ENGL 1301 or ENGL 1302




ENGL 1301 ENGL 1302


Spanish A2 or B



SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412




SPAN 1411 SPAN 1412

SPAN 2311 SPAN 2312


Business & Management



BUSI 1301





ECON 2301 ECON 2302





GEOG 1301





HIST 1301 or HIST 1302




HIST 1301 HIST 1302





PHIL 1301





PSYC 2301




PSYC 2301 PSYC 2314





ANTH 2301 or ANTH 2351




ANTH 2301 ANTH 2351





BIOL 1408




BIOL 1406





CHEM 1405




CHEM 1411





PHYS 1401 PHYS 1402


Mathematics (HL only)



MATH 2413


Computer Science



COSC 1330


Visual Arts



ARTS 1301





MUSI 1306


Theatre Arts



DRAM 1310


Credit for Military Training

Students may receive credit for military training.  Such training is evaluated by the Registrar in consultation with appropriate faculty using the American Council on Education guidelines.  Students must provide a DD214 and request an evaluation.  

Credit for Licensure/Certification

Students who have current, active certifications or licenses in fields aligned with Midland College curricula may be eligible to receive credit in specific courses.  Annually, faculty review the alignment of course outcomes with those demonstrated by certification/licensure.   Students should contact Division Deans for additional information. 



Scholastic Standard

  1. A student is in good scholastic standing if he/she has no previous academic record at Midland College or has achieved a minimum current term GPA of 2.0 during the most recent regular semester.
  2. Students with a current term GPA below a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Alert.  Students on Academic Alert will need to contact their assigned Pathways Advisor to register for courses; enrollment will be limited to 12 credit hours unless approved by the advisor based on extenuating circumstances.
  3. Students with two or more consecutive current term GPAs below 2.0 will be placed on Academic Intervention.  Students on Academic Intervention will need to contact their assigned Pathways Advisor to register for courses; enrollment will be limited to 6 credit hours unless approved by the advisor based on extenuating circumstances.
  4. Once students complete six semester hours with a 2.0 GPA during a single term, they will return to good standing.


Students reported by their instructor(s) to the Registrar’s Office for non-attendance on the certified census class roster will be officially dropped from the class.

For face-to-face courses, coming to class counts as attended.  To be reported as “Attended” in online or distance learning courses, students are required to complete some type of assignment or classroom activity to indicate they are participating in the course. Logging into the course does not count as attendance.

Instructors are responsible for determining whether absences are excused and may report excessive unexcused absences using the Early Alert System. 

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a drop from a course.  Failure to do so may result in the students receiving a grade of “F.”

Academic Fresh Start

Residents of Texas who seek admission to a state college or university have the option of electing to have course work taken ten or more years prior to enrollment count as usual or to be ignored for admission purposes. Students electing to have course work ignored may not receive credit for any courses taken ten or more years prior to enrollment. Those hours ignored can be used as a basis for exemption from the Texas Success Initiative. For information on Academic Fresh Start, please contact your assigned Pathways Advisor.

Semester Honors

The honor roll is published after the fall and spring semesters. The purpose of the honor roll is to recognize academic achievements for full-time and part-time students enrolled in 6 or more credit hours. Students earning a semester GPA of 4.0 will be included on the President’s List; those earning 3.50 to 3.99 will be included on the Dean’s List. Only college level coursework is calculated in the GPA.

Graduate Honors

Graduation with Honors or High Honors is calculated by the Registrar’s Office. The GPA is determined using all college-level Midland College courses.  Honor graduates have a GPA of 3.5 to 3.99; high honor graduates have a GPA of 4.0.


Assessment and Grading


A grade is assigned for each credit course which a student completes, and a passing grade may be earned only if the student is enrolled for the duration of the course. The instructor of record determines all grades for a course. The method of determining a grade is included in the syllabus that is presented to students at the beginning of the course.

Grades or transcript notations and their corresponding rating values are as follows:



Transcript or GPA Value



4 grade points per semester hour


Above Average

3 grade points per semester hour



2 grade points per semester hour



1 grade point per semester hour


Pass for P/F option

Not included in GPA



0 grade points per semester hour



Not included in GPA


Withdrew Officially

Not included in GPA



Not included in GPA


Credit for Examination, Licensure/Certification, or Military Training

Not included in GPA


No Grade Reported

Not computed in GPA


Repeat of Course

Included in GPA

( )

Course Repeated

Not included in cumulative GPA

[ ]

Developmental Course

Included in semester GPA only


(After Grade) Articulated Course

Not computed in GPA


(After Grade) Honors Designation

Honors Course


Grade Point Average

Grade point averages (GPA) are computed by dividing the total number of credit hours accumulated by the total number of credit hours attempted. Grades of “W” are not included in calculations of grade averages, and incomplete grades are not included until the final grades have been recorded. If a student repeats a course, the highest grade earned will be used in computing the overall grade point average.

Incomplete Grade

A student who does satisfactory work in a course but does not finish due to extenuating circumstances may be eligible to receive an Incomplete (“I”) grade. An Incomplete grade is granted after the student has had a conference with the instructor and an Incomplete Contract has been completed and signed. The contract states the conditions that must be fulfilled. The time permitted for the work to be completed can be no later than the end of the next regular semester. After the work is completed, a final grade will be assigned by the instructor or the division dean if the instructor is not available.  If the allowable time expires without completion of required work, a grade of F will be assigned for the course.

In exceptional cases, the deadline may be extended. An incomplete may only be extended once. An extension will only be granted after a conference between the student, faculty member, and the dean or department chair. Final approval must be given by the division dean.


A student who meets the admission requirements of the college may enroll in a credit course as an audit (non-credit) student during late registration, with the approval of the division dean. An audit student may attend class, but will receive neither a final grade nor credit for the audited course. At the beginning of the course, the student and instructor will mutually determine the degree of participation. Audit students will normally meet the same prerequisites to enroll in a course as a credit student. Audit students are governed by all other class policies and all other policies of Midland College. Audit students are required to pay full tuition and fees, but no late registration fee.

Student Drops and Withdrawals 

Course Drops

Course drops are used when a student remains in at least one hour for a current (in progress) term.  Course drops that occur after the census date require completion of the Course Withdrawal form and students will receive a grade of “W” for that course. The Course Withdrawal form is available online in the student’s portal.  

Section 51.907 of the Texas Education Code- Limiting the Number of Course Drops for Undergraduate Students at Public Institutions of Higher Education in Texas.  Students entering college for the first time beginning fall 2007 may drop no more than six courses over the duration of his/her collegiate experience. This six-course limit applies cumulatively to all Texas public institutions of higher education in which the student has been enrolled. The following are the only exceptions to this legislative limit:

  • A severe illness or other debilitating condition that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
  • The student’s responsibility for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person if the provision of that care affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course;
  • The death of a person who is a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s death is a showing of good cause;
  • Active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States of either the student or a person who is a member of the student’s family or who is otherwise considered to have a sufficiently close relationship to the student that the person’s active military service is a showing of good cause; or
  • A change in the student’s work schedule that is beyond the control of the student, and that affects the student’s ability to satisfactorily complete the course.
College Withdrawal

College Withdrawals are used when a student drops all courses after the census date resulting in zero hours for a current (in progress) term.  Students withdrawing must complete a withdrawal form and will receive a grade of “W” for all courses. The withdrawal form is available online in the student portal. College withdrawals are exempt from the six drop rule.

Course Drop and Withdrawal Implications

Midland College reserves the right to decline approval of a drop or withdrawal request for any reason. Such reasons may include, but are not limited to: submitting incomplete information on the request, not submitting request by the deadline, having six course withdrawals when request is submitted, not submitting current contact information for the student, not resolving any questions concerning the authenticity of the document, disciplinary actions, outstanding debts, TSI liability, etc.

Refund/Owing Money

Students who withdraw and have outstanding debts in any area of the College will not be given clearance to re-enroll until these debts are paid.  Please review the College refund policy.  Course drops or college withdrawal may result in no refund and/or continue payment on payment plan may be required. 

Financial Aid & Loans

Students may be required to pay back any money received from financial aid.  In addition, course drops and campus withdrawal may result in loss of future financial aid.  Please visit with financial aid before making decisions on dropping or withdrawing.  If a student has taken out a school loan, they will be responsible for paying back the loan.  The six-month grace period for loan repayment begins on the date the student withdraws from the College.



Awarding of Degrees

Students should apply to have degrees/certificates/other credentials conferred.  Application should be made during the semester prior to completion of required coursework.   An application to graduate is required of students participating in the commencement ceremony.  MC will award credentials upon completion of requirements regardless of submission of an application to graduate.  Degrees and certificates are posted to transcripts only after the student has completed all requirements. Transcript postings are made at the end of the fall, spring and summer semesters.


Each May, Midland College holds commencement to recognize those students who have completed degree and certificate programs during the course of the year.  Students who plan to participate in the May ceremony must apply for graduation by March 1.  All students who have completed graduation requirements for a bachelor’s or associate’s degree, or a certificate are encouraged to participate in the commencement ceremony.  A student who has not completed all graduation requirements may participate in commencement if

  1. He/she lacks six credit hours or fewer of required coursework; and
  2. All non-course requirements for graduation have been met.

Exceptions may be made by the Vice President of Student Services.


Transferring from Midland College

Transfer Agreement Programs

Midland College partners with area universities to provide unique transfer opportunities. These transfer agreements are designed to provide Midland College students a seamless transfer experience.

Depending on the institution, students can expect a variety of benefits including: special admissions coordination to the universities, early degree planning, access to upper level advising, and access to the institutions’ online student website. Transfer programs also provide for the retroactive awarding of an associate degree from Midland College when appropriate. This process allows credit hours completed at the upper-level institution to be transferred back to Midland College to complete an associate degree program.

Each university may have additional admission requirements. Midland College Pathways Advisors can provide information regarding those requirements.

Several of the current transfer agreement programs are:

  • Texas Tech University - Pathways Program
  • Angelo State University - Access ASU Program
  • Sul Ross State University - SRSU@MC
  • University of North Texas - UNT@MC: Primary Care Pathway
  • Hardin Simmons University
  • Baylor University - Baylor Bound
  • Texas A & M Kingsville - Biology and Chemistry
  • Texas A & M University - Engineering Academy
  • Texas A & M University - Biomedical Sciences

For more information, visit the Midland College Advising website.

Transferability of Coursework

Students who intend to transfer to a university should first select a major field of study at that institution. The student’s assigned Pathways Advisor can assist them in selecting Midland College courses corresponding to those at the university.

Students are responsible for checking with the university regarding admission requirements and transfer regulations and for requesting the official Midland College transcript be sent by the Registrar’s Office to that institution.